Saturday, March 3, 2018


Starting again!
I did plant some radishes, lettuce and beets in one of the raised beds...and they have sprouted!

I came to the blog to see when I planted peas last year. Maybe I can get some out today!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Popeye Daffodil

My mom gave me 6 Popeye daffodil bulbs.

I planted them at the end of the front side walk on the east side.

The paper that came with the bulbs says, " White Petals, with a fluffy yellow and white cup.

Pulled out lots of Gladiolus bulbs yesterday and there were lots of little baby cormlets. The article said that I should dry them at 85 for two weeks. Where am I going to do that? They are on the back porch drying for now. I left lots of cormlets in the ground but kept some of them out.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Iris Blooming

Iris started blooming last week!

Lots of buds are forming on the back fence!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Planting today

I picked up some plants at Garden Thyme on Saturday.

This evening I planted four Brussels Sprouts, four Cauliflower, four broccoli some onion sets and 8 pansies.

I ate some butter crunch lettuce and three radishes. One radish from the starts inside and then two from the Valentine radishes.

 Onion sets
 three broccoli plants
one broccoli

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What's growing

The phlox are beautiful along the front walk.

The grape hyacinths are lovely under the oak tree and in the back by the bird bath.

The newest peas are not up nor are the potatoes.

Pear trees are all leafed out now. The redbud is still blooming. Some of the lilacs are starting to bloom. Daffodils are very done.

We have a freeze forcasted a couple of times in the 10 day forecast.

The latest starts in the egg cartons are coming up. The beets that didn't come up the first time are sprouting with the peas and potentially some other lettuce too!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Beautiful day to plant

A lovely day to plant today!
It's 10 days after St. Patrick's Day and I still hadn't planted potatoes, but today was the day!

I saw videos about potato towers. Though many of them didn't look successful. I thought it was worth a try with a short tower.

So here's my tower with two layers of potatoes. The bottom layer of soil came from left over hanging pots. Then the second two layers was compost that we took off the bottom of the compost pile in January. I didn't have any straw to put around the outside. For the first layer I mounded up wood chips. I then tore up a flour sack and used that as an outside lining. The potato variety is Yukon Gold.

I planted potatoes on the south side of the house too. I made four hills with some of the potatoes that did not have any eyes on them with some with eyes.

I planted some Little Marvel peas as well. Two short rows around the potato tower.

A few rows near the garage window on the south side of the house.

Two rows in the box garden that I had been using as the cold frame.

Two rows in the square garden that is not raised.

I also planted some dill between potato hills and some beets by the potato hills too.

For the peas I tried something different! I put shredded paper at the bottom of the rows of the peas. Reading about this, it is supposed to hold water. The shredded paper bin is empty now!